mommy blues
darnest things my kids say or do!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Joshua signing the alphabet at 2 years, 10 months old. Infairness, he still knows how to sign. Up next are the two girls, starting with Chiyo. :)
Friday, August 13, 2010
15 random things about my family
i figured i would post 15 things about the three people i love the most.
1. when we were just a few months married, i used to clean jay's toenails for him. as in manicurista-like, with all the "torture tools" i have in my red bag, which is actually blue. my mom has been cleaning my toes, my siblings' and my dad's ever since i could remember. i guess this could be a tradition passed on from one generation to another. now, i even clean josh and chiyo's toes and fingernails. i just feel a certain zen whenever i clean nails.
2. when i was pregnant with josh, i would literally just watch jayvee sleep. i loved looking at him (and still do) since he looked like a baby. now my son looks exactly like his dad when he sleeps. as in same mannerisms, same way of hogging the 5 big pillows we have, same way of sleeping without any blankie on even if its so cold and we have two electric fans turned on.
3. my children can put their dad faster than a sleeping pill. when the children were little babies (as in a few months old), i asked jay to put them to sleep while i tend to some stuff. when i come back, the baby is wide awake but the bantay is snoring like crazy! :) its so funny, even choir friends know about this. :)
4 both kids have this thing about ears. whenever josh is sleepy, he would instantly hold on to the ear of the person carrying him. we somehow convinced him to rub his own ears. when we brought his sister home from the hospital, he immediately told his sister to put it here (pointing to his own ears) and go to sleep. now chiyo holds her kuya's ears when sleepy, tired or playing before sleeping.
5. i had chiyo's name planned out before she was even conceived. i loved the combination of julianne and francine even if they were / are both sexy stars.
6. on my side, all kids had the letter "F" as part of their name. my sisters were named felicia and fiona and my brother was fermin. on jayvee's side, they all had "J", even his cousins. hence the JF and FJ name combination with my kids. its so hard to think of nice, uncommon names for girls starting with letter J and all i think of when its letter F is francisco. :) might call my second son Joaquin Francisco, and give him a nickname of Chico. that is if and when we decide to have more children.
7. both children were concieved in october and were born in june. josh is june 21 and chiyo is june 12. they are 3 years and 9 days apart.
8. josh loves being a kuya and chiyo absolutely loves rough housing with her kuya. that little girl is not so fragile as she seems to be.
9. chiyo can and does wake up her kuya. as in would pester her kuya when he's sleeping just to play. and being the good kuya that he is, josh just wakes up and willingly plays with 'my baby'.
10. josh looks like jayvee and chiyo looks like me. the clincher? jay looks like me. :)
11. i call jayvee hal. which is actually shortcut for mahalie, a term of endearment i got from my college friend, qae. originally, we called each other may and pay.
12. i cant sleep without smelling jay's kilikili. :) gross, i know but there's something about it that i find extremely comforting. the entire four months that he was away in cebu for work was torture for me. :(
13. jay and i have known each other for almost half of our lives. :) we were busmates way back in grade school and before transferring to our current village, we lived a street apart. we literally fell for the boy/ girl next door.
14. i never had a crush on jayvee growing up. ang baduy baduy kasi nya (but arent we all baduy back then?) but he was really gwapo when he was college. :) but he's getting even more handsome (atleast in my eyes) as the years go on. :) i imagine him being old and with gray hair but being more handsome. i just hope he loses his daddy pouch soon! :)
15. i am jayvee's first and last girlfriend. :) he told me that he waited 20 years for me to come into his life and he wouldn't let me go anymore. :) sooooo sweet! :)
1. when we were just a few months married, i used to clean jay's toenails for him. as in manicurista-like, with all the "torture tools" i have in my red bag, which is actually blue. my mom has been cleaning my toes, my siblings' and my dad's ever since i could remember. i guess this could be a tradition passed on from one generation to another. now, i even clean josh and chiyo's toes and fingernails. i just feel a certain zen whenever i clean nails.
2. when i was pregnant with josh, i would literally just watch jayvee sleep. i loved looking at him (and still do) since he looked like a baby. now my son looks exactly like his dad when he sleeps. as in same mannerisms, same way of hogging the 5 big pillows we have, same way of sleeping without any blankie on even if its so cold and we have two electric fans turned on.
3. my children can put their dad faster than a sleeping pill. when the children were little babies (as in a few months old), i asked jay to put them to sleep while i tend to some stuff. when i come back, the baby is wide awake but the bantay is snoring like crazy! :) its so funny, even choir friends know about this. :)
4 both kids have this thing about ears. whenever josh is sleepy, he would instantly hold on to the ear of the person carrying him. we somehow convinced him to rub his own ears. when we brought his sister home from the hospital, he immediately told his sister to put it here (pointing to his own ears) and go to sleep. now chiyo holds her kuya's ears when sleepy, tired or playing before sleeping.
5. i had chiyo's name planned out before she was even conceived. i loved the combination of julianne and francine even if they were / are both sexy stars.
6. on my side, all kids had the letter "F" as part of their name. my sisters were named felicia and fiona and my brother was fermin. on jayvee's side, they all had "J", even his cousins. hence the JF and FJ name combination with my kids. its so hard to think of nice, uncommon names for girls starting with letter J and all i think of when its letter F is francisco. :) might call my second son Joaquin Francisco, and give him a nickname of Chico. that is if and when we decide to have more children.
7. both children were concieved in october and were born in june. josh is june 21 and chiyo is june 12. they are 3 years and 9 days apart.
8. josh loves being a kuya and chiyo absolutely loves rough housing with her kuya. that little girl is not so fragile as she seems to be.
9. chiyo can and does wake up her kuya. as in would pester her kuya when he's sleeping just to play. and being the good kuya that he is, josh just wakes up and willingly plays with 'my baby'.
10. josh looks like jayvee and chiyo looks like me. the clincher? jay looks like me. :)
11. i call jayvee hal. which is actually shortcut for mahalie, a term of endearment i got from my college friend, qae. originally, we called each other may and pay.
12. i cant sleep without smelling jay's kilikili. :) gross, i know but there's something about it that i find extremely comforting. the entire four months that he was away in cebu for work was torture for me. :(
13. jay and i have known each other for almost half of our lives. :) we were busmates way back in grade school and before transferring to our current village, we lived a street apart. we literally fell for the boy/ girl next door.
14. i never had a crush on jayvee growing up. ang baduy baduy kasi nya (but arent we all baduy back then?) but he was really gwapo when he was college. :) but he's getting even more handsome (atleast in my eyes) as the years go on. :) i imagine him being old and with gray hair but being more handsome. i just hope he loses his daddy pouch soon! :)
15. i am jayvee's first and last girlfriend. :) he told me that he waited 20 years for me to come into his life and he wouldn't let me go anymore. :) sooooo sweet! :)
separation anxiety
I just had another 'Josh is no longer a baby' moment.
I've always had random realizations after I gave birth to Chiyo. Realizations that me think that my eldest, my first 'attempt' at motherhood, my flopped pancake, is no longer a baby. After I got back from the hospital with Chiyo, I took a good look at Josh. Suddenly, he became a little boy in my presence. He was no longer as 'alagain' as his younger sister. My heart somehow sank when it dawned on me. My kuya Josh would not need me as much.
I remember clearly mother's day last year. The guy giving host didnt give him any. I told him coz he's still a baby. He fearlessly declared to me that 'im no baby no more'. That declaration indeed made me realize that he isnt a baby anymore and would have to start treating him like the little boy that he is.
Just yesterday, I was scouting for a school for him. He was insistent that he go with me and that his opinions be taken into consideration. True enough, it seems that he did know what to do. He did know what he wants from his school. Going home from the school, I asked him: 'Josh do you like that school?'. He answered: 'Yes, mama.' When I asked him what he wanted about the school, he answered :'there are toys there.' True enough, there were. And we actually were hoping that he enrolls in a play oriented preschool.
Back to today, I was decided not to allow him to go to the choir/servants outing. I was sure that he'd start crying, endless tantrums and whatever typical Josh behavior when he doesnt get his way. Plus the fact that I'm not with him and his dad would only follow after his own work. (Josh was with my MIL, but still I know the hassle of bringing Josh along and I dont want to subject anyone to that.) Last night when I was putting him to sleep, I already told him that he wont go swimming. Imagine my suprise when he woke me up to tell me he's going swimming! I hurriedly told my MIL that Josh changed his mind and is now going. I accompanied them to the bus and when I was about to leave, told Josh 'Kuya, behave OK? Lala (my MIL) would be the one taking care of you today. Be a good boy, ok?' to which he replied 'yes mama.' I was waving goodbye to him and waiting for the tears to fall when I heard him say:
'Mama, can I have some chips?'.
He didnt even care or feel that I'm leaving him behind. :'( Josh is no longer a baby, I have to remind myself. And sometimes, when I do, remember, I cant help but shed a tear.
Advanced happy mother's day to all moms out there. :)
Originally posted via multiply, May 8, 2009
I've always had random realizations after I gave birth to Chiyo. Realizations that me think that my eldest, my first 'attempt' at motherhood, my flopped pancake, is no longer a baby. After I got back from the hospital with Chiyo, I took a good look at Josh. Suddenly, he became a little boy in my presence. He was no longer as 'alagain' as his younger sister. My heart somehow sank when it dawned on me. My kuya Josh would not need me as much.
I remember clearly mother's day last year. The guy giving host didnt give him any. I told him coz he's still a baby. He fearlessly declared to me that 'im no baby no more'. That declaration indeed made me realize that he isnt a baby anymore and would have to start treating him like the little boy that he is.
Just yesterday, I was scouting for a school for him. He was insistent that he go with me and that his opinions be taken into consideration. True enough, it seems that he did know what to do. He did know what he wants from his school. Going home from the school, I asked him: 'Josh do you like that school?'. He answered: 'Yes, mama.' When I asked him what he wanted about the school, he answered :'there are toys there.' True enough, there were. And we actually were hoping that he enrolls in a play oriented preschool.
Back to today, I was decided not to allow him to go to the choir/servants outing. I was sure that he'd start crying, endless tantrums and whatever typical Josh behavior when he doesnt get his way. Plus the fact that I'm not with him and his dad would only follow after his own work. (Josh was with my MIL, but still I know the hassle of bringing Josh along and I dont want to subject anyone to that.) Last night when I was putting him to sleep, I already told him that he wont go swimming. Imagine my suprise when he woke me up to tell me he's going swimming! I hurriedly told my MIL that Josh changed his mind and is now going. I accompanied them to the bus and when I was about to leave, told Josh 'Kuya, behave OK? Lala (my MIL) would be the one taking care of you today. Be a good boy, ok?' to which he replied 'yes mama.' I was waving goodbye to him and waiting for the tears to fall when I heard him say:
'Mama, can I have some chips?'.
He didnt even care or feel that I'm leaving him behind. :'( Josh is no longer a baby, I have to remind myself. And sometimes, when I do, remember, I cant help but shed a tear.
Advanced happy mother's day to all moms out there. :)
Originally posted via multiply, May 8, 2009
what my mom didnt tell me about having two kids
so in less than a week, my daughter chiyo will be two months old making me a mom again for the 2nd time. when i was still pregnant with her, i had so many questions, which were often answered by my mom. most questions were about raising two or more kids (for those who dont know, i have three siblings). i was always worried that i'd neglect one of them, making him or her dislike me or worse, not recognizing me. but there were some things she didnt elaborate or would want me to learn on my own.
1. i learned that my time can never be mine, id have to share it with them...
(and as if proving a point, while i was typing this, i was interrupted by my son 2x, my daughter 3x and once by my husband). my banyo time would be shortened by 10 mins (e kung maligo nga ako e 20 mins max na... do the math!), i have to watch whatever tv show my son would want to watch (either nick jr or wowowee and since i hate the latter, hola dora and boots!)
2. ...but id rather have them bugging me during my "me time" than not bother me at all.
coz if no one bothers me, that means someone or something already replaced me. and to me thats completely unacceptable.
3. being a mom of two would make you a jill of all trades.
imagine this, im breastfeeding chiyo while josh is holding on to my legs as he is seated on the throne (or potty). of course, after pooping, id have to wash his butt while burping chiyo... hehehe... (my poor baby is immuned to the smell of his kuya's poopoo and vice versa)
4. neglect everything, but not the kids.
my fingernails have only been cleaned today after almost two months.
my last haircut was 3 or 4 months ago (but only coz im growing it out)
my kikay kit (yes, i still have one) havent seen the light yet
my cabinet still have some maternity clothes in them
... and my list goes on...
5. love can never be divided, only multiplied.
i asked my mom how she was able to handle 4 kids while working, she answered "kung sinong me kailangan". since chiyo is still a baby, most of the time i have is spent with her but i make sure that her kuya wouldnt be neglected. i still have my kuya and mama time, which is everytime we eat. (takaw like me but slim like dada, lucky lucky kid!) he also watches me when i cook, when i exercise, when i play with chiyo. im so happy josh is an understanding kid.
most people ask if chiyo would be my last child and to be honest, i cant say. (hello, 23 pa lang ako... ayoko magsalita ng tapos...) but if she is, im thankful for a lot of things but most especially, being their mama...
now, as for that 20 minute bath....
originally posted via multiply, August , 2008 2:41 pm
1. i learned that my time can never be mine, id have to share it with them...
(and as if proving a point, while i was typing this, i was interrupted by my son 2x, my daughter 3x and once by my husband). my banyo time would be shortened by 10 mins (e kung maligo nga ako e 20 mins max na... do the math!), i have to watch whatever tv show my son would want to watch (either nick jr or wowowee and since i hate the latter, hola dora and boots!)
2. ...but id rather have them bugging me during my "me time" than not bother me at all.
coz if no one bothers me, that means someone or something already replaced me. and to me thats completely unacceptable.
3. being a mom of two would make you a jill of all trades.
imagine this, im breastfeeding chiyo while josh is holding on to my legs as he is seated on the throne (or potty). of course, after pooping, id have to wash his butt while burping chiyo... hehehe... (my poor baby is immuned to the smell of his kuya's poopoo and vice versa)
4. neglect everything, but not the kids.
my fingernails have only been cleaned today after almost two months.
my last haircut was 3 or 4 months ago (but only coz im growing it out)
my kikay kit (yes, i still have one) havent seen the light yet
my cabinet still have some maternity clothes in them
... and my list goes on...
5. love can never be divided, only multiplied.
i asked my mom how she was able to handle 4 kids while working, she answered "kung sinong me kailangan". since chiyo is still a baby, most of the time i have is spent with her but i make sure that her kuya wouldnt be neglected. i still have my kuya and mama time, which is everytime we eat. (takaw like me but slim like dada, lucky lucky kid!) he also watches me when i cook, when i exercise, when i play with chiyo. im so happy josh is an understanding kid.
most people ask if chiyo would be my last child and to be honest, i cant say. (hello, 23 pa lang ako... ayoko magsalita ng tapos...) but if she is, im thankful for a lot of things but most especially, being their mama...

now, as for that 20 minute bath....
originally posted via multiply, August , 2008 2:41 pm
to my chiyo, on your first birthday
June 12, 2009
Dear Chiyo baby,
Oh my goodness! You are a year old today. :) Happy birthday, baby girl! As I look at you sleeping peacefully beside me, I can't help but look back on the past year and be simply awed. :)

On the 110th year of our country's independence, I got a new dependent. The Lord wanted me to give birth to you on that day, not the 11th, not the 13th, which was what I've wanted. It actually worked in your favor, baby. I don't forget your birthday and Kuya's, coz only the numbers for the day interchange. Yun nga lang, I get confused when filling out forms. Hehehe. Dont worry, I will soon get used to it.
The first thought that came to my mind when I saw you was to admire your physical beauty. Pink lips, chubby cheeks and curly hair, you were like a doll when I gave birth to you-yes, blood and all! You were so tiny!! To think that you gave me almost 24 hours of labor only to pop out someone so little! And I remember me saying 'ang ganda', and sheding a tear, coz I couldnt believe that you came out of me, and we have you here already! I didn't want them to take you away and I was really upset we couldn't take pictures of your birth like your Kuya's. (Stupid nurse told Dada I'm far along and might give birth to you after 5pm, so when he came back from a late lunch, you were already in the nursery!) I enjoyed our first bonding time- nursing at the breastfeeding room. That was then that it dawned on me- nyah! Magkamukha pala tayo! Thank God, I have a child that resembles me. :) I also got excited with the thought of us getting a mani-ped together, shopping, doing girly stuff, watching chickflicks (your dada would later on thank you for that since I don't have to drag him anymore.) I also remembered releasing the long dormant kikay gene that I used to have before I gave birth to Kuya. It was in the breastfeeding room that I promised to take care of you and love you for as long as I live.
When I brought you home, my first thought was how your Kuya would react. He was the only kid for almost 3 years, how would he take on a 'rival' with my attention? When he woke up, I saw his face light up when he saw you. He called you 'my baby'. I remember when I was still pregnant with you and I didn't know the gender yet, I dreamed that we were in Trinoma with dada, kuya and a yaya whose face I didn't see. I was in the bathroom with the changing station and I was telling the yaya to give me something from the bag. The baby in my dream was crying but stopped when Josh said 'its ok,my baby. Dont cry, Kuya's here.' It was then that I knew that I was having a baby girl. I just remembered the dream when your kuya saw you, and I realized I prepared him well enough for the long and hard task of being a kuya.
I would always remember you being so strong, despite the many tests the doctors gave to you for your heart murmur. I always thank the Lord that the results were not that serious, that you just have a very faint heart murmur that you'll have till forever. :| I also remember when you had your ears pierced. You were crying the first time the doctor placed the earring but once I said you looked pretty, your crying stopped. Ah, you will forever be vain, and that's from your Dada's side.
As the birds start to chirp, reminding me that its morning time already, let me just give you some things to remember:
1. Keep your legs closed when you are sleeping. I've always reminded you its not very la

2. Don't eat everytime someone's eating! Although you are naturally payat, I'll give you that, you might end up ballooning up! But it is really funny since I've yet to discover food that you haven't liked!
3. Don't bully Kuya. You are lucky Kuya loves you, but sometimes, even if you are the little girl, you bully as if you are the Ate. :) I guess its a defense mechanism on your end. :)
4. Always behave so Mama lends you her necklaces, especially the pearls that you love so much.
5. Mama, Dada and Kuya will always love you-no matter what!
Happy birthday, darling girl! We love you!
PS: And as it was on the day I gave birth to you, its raining outside. You know what they say about raining on a special day? Infinite blessings!
Originally written last June 11, 2009 at 6:36pm, the little girl in this letter is still kikay, still bullies her kuya and still lovable as ever. She is now two years old and is a loving ate to her baby Chomi.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
a letter to my soon to be three year old.
To my Joshua,

On Saturday, June 21, at exactly 5:28pm, you will be three years old already. I can't believe that you are already three years old. It seems like yesterday when we brought you home from the hospital. You were so little then, so fragile. Your cries were so soft and everytime you would cry for milk, your lower lip would quiver and it would make Dada and me smile. Para kang nagmamakaawa palagi. You always brought a smile to my face. I always cherished your first smile, your first word (which was unfortunately Bob, due to your facination with Spongebob), the first time I fed you solid foods. You were my first experience with motherhood and fortunately or unfortunately for you, I wasn't that much good at it. Kung baga sa pancakes, ikaw yung pinagtestingan. But I'm sure you wouldnt mind being the first in everyone's life as well. You were the first grandchild on both sides and of course everyone was so excited to meet you. As much as I would like to control them from spoiling you, I just can't. People love you and how can they not love you, you are adorable.
Everytime I change your diaper then, I wished that you were already potty trained. So far, that has been our biggest achievement. :) I'm so proud that you can now tell me when you need to go to the bathroom and at times, I see you go pee on your own. Soon, we will be weaning you out of the bottle and you would start school. You no longer bear that "baby scent" you used to have. Your breath already smells of a big kid (hehehe). I remembered your declaration to me last mothers day, when the guy giving you communion didn't give you any, you told me: "Mama, I'm no baby no more." True, you are not physically a small baby but in my heart, even if you are 30, 50 or 80 years old, you are my little baby boy.
Since Chiyo's conception, your Dada and I have been preparing you for another role. A role of a Kuya. You know that I absolutely loved having my own Kuya and I wish I would be able to help you be the Kuya that I hoped you would be. I'll guide you in the best way that I can but it would all be up to you. Right now, I can see that you are on your way to be a good brother. Gigil ka ng onti but I completely understand if you are gigil, excited ka eh. Pretty soon, you will get the hang of it. :)
I hope you would understand that I'll be dividing my time between you and Chiyo but I'll be multiplying the love between you two. I will promise to love you equally and with all my heart. I'm not sure if I have said this to you before but thank you for giving me a chance to be your Mama. I love you Kuya Josh.
Love you,
Mama Cheska
Reposted from my multiply account, this was originally written June 17, '08 11:20 PM. Kuya twice over, he now has full appreciation for her little sisters, every so often saying "I love babies!". His new achievements are graduating nursery and being able to write his full name five times without complaining. Oh, and he is now fully potty trained!

On Saturday, June 21, at exactly 5:28pm, you will be three years old already. I can't believe that you are already three years old. It seems like yesterday when we brought you home from the hospital. You were so little then, so fragile. Your cries were so soft and everytime you would cry for milk, your lower lip would quiver and it would make Dada and me smile. Para kang nagmamakaawa palagi. You always brought a smile to my face. I always cherished your first smile, your first word (which was unfortunately Bob, due to your facination with Spongebob), the first time I fed you solid foods. You were my first experience with motherhood and fortunately or unfortunately for you, I wasn't that much good at it. Kung baga sa pancakes, ikaw yung pinagtestingan. But I'm sure you wouldnt mind being the first in everyone's life as well. You were the first grandchild on both sides and of course everyone was so excited to meet you. As much as I would like to control them from spoiling you, I just can't. People love you and how can they not love you, you are adorable.
Everytime I change your diaper then, I wished that you were already potty trained. So far, that has been our biggest achievement. :) I'm so proud that you can now tell me when you need to go to the bathroom and at times, I see you go pee on your own. Soon, we will be weaning you out of the bottle and you would start school. You no longer bear that "baby scent" you used to have. Your breath already smells of a big kid (hehehe). I remembered your declaration to me last mothers day, when the guy giving you communion didn't give you any, you told me: "Mama, I'm no baby no more." True, you are not physically a small baby but in my heart, even if you are 30, 50 or 80 years old, you are my little baby boy.
Since Chiyo's conception, your Dada and I have been preparing you for another role. A role of a Kuya. You know that I absolutely loved having my own Kuya and I wish I would be able to help you be the Kuya that I hoped you would be. I'll guide you in the best way that I can but it would all be up to you. Right now, I can see that you are on your way to be a good brother. Gigil ka ng onti but I completely understand if you are gigil, excited ka eh. Pretty soon, you will get the hang of it. :)
I hope you would understand that I'll be dividing my time between you and Chiyo but I'll be multiplying the love between you two. I will promise to love you equally and with all my heart. I'm not sure if I have said this to you before but thank you for giving me a chance to be your Mama. I love you Kuya Josh.
Love you,
Mama Cheska
Reposted from my multiply account, this was originally written June 17, '08 11:20 PM. Kuya twice over, he now has full appreciation for her little sisters, every so often saying "I love babies!". His new achievements are graduating nursery and being able to write his full name five times without complaining. Oh, and he is now fully potty trained!

Saturday, July 24, 2010
josh vs dirty nappy
i've posted this in my fb the other day but it's so funny, it's worth reposting.
me: 'Josh,please throw this out(soiled diaper of Chomi).''
Josh: ''i cant''
Me: ''why?''
Josh: ''Coz I'm allergic to pupu..'' <--- best excuse ever!
me: 'Josh,please throw this out(soiled diaper of Chomi).''
Josh: ''i cant''
Me: ''why?''
Josh: ''Coz I'm allergic to pupu..'' <--- best excuse ever!
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