On Saturday, June 21, at exactly 5:28pm, you will be three years old already. I can't believe that you are already three years old. It seems like yesterday when we brought you home from the hospital. You were so little then, so fragile. Your cries were so soft and everytime you would cry for milk, your lower lip would quiver and it would make Dada and me smile. Para kang nagmamakaawa palagi. You always brought a smile to my face. I always cherished your first smile, your first word (which was unfortunately Bob, due to your facination with Spongebob), the first time I fed you solid foods. You were my first experience with motherhood and fortunately or unfortunately for you, I wasn't that much good at it. Kung baga sa pancakes, ikaw yung pinagtestingan. But I'm sure you wouldnt mind being the first in everyone's life as well. You were the first grandchild on both sides and of course everyone was so excited to meet you. As much as I would like to control them from spoiling you, I just can't. People love you and how can they not love you, you are adorable.
Everytime I change your diaper then, I wished that you were already potty trained. So far, that has been our biggest achievement. :) I'm so proud that you can now tell me when you need to go to the bathroom and at times, I see you go pee on your own. Soon, we will be weaning you out of the bottle and you would start school. You no longer bear that "baby scent" you used to have. Your breath already smells of a big kid (hehehe). I remembered your declaration to me last mothers day, when the guy giving you communion didn't give you any, you told me: "Mama, I'm no baby no more." True, you are not physically a small baby but in my heart, even if you are 30, 50 or 80 years old, you are my little baby boy.
Since Chiyo's conception, your Dada and I have been preparing you for another role. A role of a Kuya. You know that I absolutely loved having my own Kuya and I wish I would be able to help you be the Kuya that I hoped you would be. I'll guide you in the best way that I can but it would all be up to you. Right now, I can see that you are on your way to be a good brother. Gigil ka ng onti but I completely understand if you are gigil, excited ka eh. Pretty soon, you will get the hang of it. :)
I hope you would understand that I'll be dividing my time between you and Chiyo but I'll be multiplying the love between you two. I will promise to love you equally and with all my heart. I'm not sure if I have said this to you before but thank you for giving me a chance to be your Mama. I love you Kuya Josh.
Love you,
Mama Cheska
Reposted from my multiply account, this was originally written June 17, '08 11:20 PM. Kuya twice over, he now has full appreciation for her little sisters, every so often saying "I love babies!". His new achievements are graduating nursery and being able to write his full name five times without complaining. Oh, and he is now fully potty trained!

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