Friday, August 13, 2010

15 random things about my family

i figured i would post 15 things about the three people i love the most.

1. when we were just a few months married, i used to clean jay's toenails for him. as in manicurista-like, with all the "torture tools" i have in my red bag, which is actually blue. my mom has been cleaning my toes, my siblings' and my dad's ever since i could remember. i guess this could be a tradition passed on from one generation to another. now, i even clean josh and chiyo's toes and fingernails. i just feel a certain zen whenever i clean nails.

2. when i was pregnant with josh, i would literally just watch jayvee sleep. i loved looking at him (and still do) since he looked like a baby. now my son looks exactly like his dad when he sleeps. as in same mannerisms, same way of hogging the 5 big pillows we have, same way of sleeping without any blankie on even if its so cold and we have two electric fans turned on.

3. my children can put their dad faster than a sleeping pill. when the children were little babies (as in a few months old), i asked jay to put them to sleep while i tend to some stuff. when i come back, the baby is wide awake but the bantay is snoring like crazy! :) its so funny, even choir friends know about this. :)

4 both kids have this thing about ears. whenever josh is sleepy, he would instantly hold on to the ear of the person carrying him. we somehow convinced him to rub his own ears. when we brought his sister home from the hospital, he immediately told his sister to put it here (pointing to his own ears) and go to sleep. now chiyo holds her kuya's ears when sleepy, tired or playing before sleeping.

5. i had chiyo's name planned out before she was even conceived. i loved the combination of julianne and francine even if they were / are both sexy stars.

6. on my side, all kids had the letter "F" as part of their name. my sisters were named felicia and fiona and my brother was fermin. on jayvee's side, they all had "J", even his cousins. hence the JF and FJ name combination with my kids. its so hard to think of nice, uncommon names for girls starting with letter J and all i think of when its letter F is francisco. :) might call my second son Joaquin Francisco, and give him a nickname of Chico. that is if and when we decide to have more children.

7. both children were concieved in october and were born in june. josh is june 21 and chiyo is june 12. they are 3 years and 9 days apart.

8. josh loves being a kuya and chiyo absolutely loves rough housing with her kuya. that little girl is not so fragile as she seems to be.

9. chiyo can and does wake up her kuya. as in would pester her kuya when he's sleeping just to play. and being the good kuya that he is, josh just wakes up and willingly plays with 'my baby'.

10. josh looks like jayvee and chiyo looks like me. the clincher? jay looks like me. :)

11. i call jayvee hal. which is actually shortcut for mahalie, a term of endearment i got from my college friend, qae. originally, we called each other may and pay.

12. i cant sleep without smelling jay's kilikili. :) gross, i know but there's something about it that i find extremely comforting. the entire four months that he was away in cebu for work was torture for me. :(

13. jay and i have known each other for almost half of our lives. :) we were busmates way back in grade school and before transferring to our current village, we lived a street apart. we literally fell for the boy/ girl next door.

14. i never had a crush on jayvee growing up. ang baduy baduy kasi nya (but arent we all baduy back then?) but he was really gwapo when he was college. :) but he's getting even more handsome (atleast in my eyes) as the years go on. :) i imagine him being old and with gray hair but being more handsome. i just hope he loses his daddy pouch soon! :)

15. i am jayvee's first and last girlfriend. :) he told me that he waited 20 years for me to come into his life and he wouldn't let me go anymore. :) sooooo sweet! :)

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